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PaRC Inc Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meetings for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 will be held In the Norfolk Island Knowledge and Learning Centre, 70 Taylors Road, Norfolk Island, on Friday 13 September, commencing at 5:15 PM Norfolk Island time (4:15 PM AEST). Attendance can be in person or by Zoom connection. For a link to the Zoom meeting, please contact the

29 August 2024

70 Taylors Road Burnt Pine Norfolk Island
5:15 PM 13 September 2024
By Zoom and in person

Chairperson: Nicholas Arthur, President, calls meeting to order

1. Apologies

2. Annual Report from the Secretary, Geoffrey Edwards.

3. Financial Report from the Treasurer, Geoffrey Edwards.

4. Motion regarding the auditing of the Financial Report.

The Registrar may, upon application by the secretary of an association, exempt the association from the requirement to have its accounts audited if satisfied that the association has an annual income of less than $10,000 or a membership of fewer than 100 persons and that at a general meeting or at the annual general meeting before the application is made, the members present passed a resolution requesting that the association’s accounts not be required to be audited.

A motion that the Registrar be asked to waive the obligation to have the accounts audited, while income remains <$5000 annually, has been tabled.

5. Update on the PLA Library from Committee Member, John Senior

6. Update on the Narratives website from the Webmaster, Geoffrey Edwards

7. Draft budget for 2024/25 from the Secretary, Geoffrey Edwards

8. Election of Office-bearers
Nicholas Arthur to vacate the chair
Pro tem Chairperson calls for nominations for President
Incoming President calls for nominations for Treasurer, Secretary and Webmaster

9. General business.



Geoff Edwards
Secretary PaRC Inc.
ABN 79 179 901 655
PO Box 723 Norfolk Island. South Pacific 2899
Tel. +612 9136 8019 SMS +6723 52150


Review Status: Pending

Queensland Ranger Association

The Queensland Ranger Association (QRA) is a professional organisation for people who work in wildlife and natural resource conservation across the state. Founded in 1996, it has an active website and active program of events. One of its objects is “Assist other States and countries (with a particular focus on Developing Nations) to develop their ranger networks and associations.” This is an objective firmly aligned with PaRC’s. In particular, QRA and PaRC share a focus on knowledge-sharing in the Pacific Islands.


QRA is affiliated with Thin Green Line, an international charity based in Victoria dedicated to supporting rangers and their families, notably families who have lost rangers in the line of duty: ; and the Council of Oceania Ranger Associations.

In preserving some noteworthy materials in PaRC, we aim to support QRA in its knowledge outreach.

At the QRA meeting at Tuchekoi, near Gympie, Queensland, 2023.

In the middle is Ron Turner, former Cooloola District Ranger and author of a notable memoir published by PaRC.


Click here for a Summary of the Oceania Ranger Roundtable webinar of October 2023. The Summary includes links to presentations and position papers.



Review Status: Pending

MidCoast Recreational Boating Infrastructure Plan 2024 – 2035

MidCoast Recreational Boating Infrastructure Plan 2024 – 2035


This boating infrastructure plan is part of the MidCoast Parks and Recreation Planning Portfolio.


It covers more than a hundred individual boating assets, which include boat ramps, pontoons and jetties, across our coastline, rivers and lakes, many of which are sensitive ecosystems. The Plan not only focuses on the assets but also on the activities that are conducted on the waterways, and which use the facilities. Environmental protection is the main focus of the Plan.

Review Status:

Steiglitz – Memories of Gold

This booklet authored by Ray Sumner and published by the Victorian National Parks Service in 1982 interprets the Steiglitz Historic Park, proclaimed in 1979, and covering 655 hectares of land, including parts of the township of Steiglitz and much of the surrounding Steiglitz goldfield. Steiglitz is about 60km west of Melbourne and about half way between Geelong and Ballarat.


Review Status: Pending

Port Moresby and Beyond

This rather charming memoir of a personal journey along the Kokoda Track is by Ron Turner, former Ranger in Charge and District Ranger in Victoria’s and Queensland’s national parks systems.


Ron is an accomplished writer: see his First Ranger: A Memoir and Cooloola and its Hinterland in our Document Library as well as his lighthouse series (also relevant to PaRC) indexed on the website of the Queensland Science Network.

Review Status: Pending

Aquatic and Recreation Facilities

This report presents the proceedings of a seminar in November 1992 on the Design and Management of Aquatic and Recreation Facilities. It is credited to the Ministry of Sport and Recreation of the Western Australian Government and the City of Gosnells. (7.4 MB). The report is about 66 pages, with the final few pages appearing to have been mis-numbered.


Review Status: Pending