As outlined in the post on World Urban Parks, IFPRA was established in May 1957, in London, UK, at 1st World Congress in Park Administration, as International Federation of Park Administration — Fédération internationale de l’administration de parcs. It ceased in April 2015 when it merged into World Urban Parks. This membership leaflet positions the organisation.

The aims of IFPRA were: “Unite at international level persons employed in horticultural and recreational services and public, provincial and communal administration; adopt internationally acceptable training and qualification standards; distribute information regarding the profession.”

The website of the Union of International Associations explains IFPRA’s organisational structure:

“General Assembly (at Congress) elect a Governing Commission, comprising elected officers, chairmen of each regional sector and one representative of each member nation. Executive Committee; General Secretary. Regional chapters: IFPRA Europe and IFPRA Asia Pacific; they produce their own congresses and publications.”

IFPRA Asia-Pacific was founded on 1 May 1989 at Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.

We will post more material on IFPRA as it emerges from the archives. Also see the Document Library and enter “IFPRA” for some IFPRA publications.

IFPRA Management Publication

In 1994, IFPRA  conceived of a “Management publication” with the objectives as outlined in this correspondence. The archives have uncovered an article by eminent parks identity David Aldous, apparently an unedited first draft of a submission for the book.

IFPRA Administration

The minutes of the World Commission of IFPRA dated 2000 show that Dr David Aldous was world President.