The Australian Heritage Parks Association was a national group representing the owners and managers of theme parks with a heritage theme. Members as at 1986 are listed in the 1986 Conference program.

PaRC has not been able to contact the former office-bearers. The group’s company registration was terminated in 2008. Any former office-bearer or member representative is invited to improve this stub of a narrative.

6th Biennial Conference – Echuca

PaRC has uncovered some papers from its 6th Biennial Conference, held at Echuca, Victoria in 1986, including a list of attendees.

Reference in the National Library of Australia catalogue.

Funding the Dream by keynote Crawford Lincoln

Preserving Technologies by T.J. Hobson

Historic Buildings and the Heritage Park by Allan Willingham

Knowing Your Visitor: A Survey of Visitor Types by Philip Pearce

Management Structures and Systems for Resolving Conflict by Paul Power.