The Queensland Ranger Association (QRA) is a professional organisation for people who work in wildlife and natural resource conservation across the state. Founded in 1996, it has an active website and active program of events. One of its objects is “Assist other States and countries (with a particular focus on Developing Nations) to develop their ranger networks and associations.” This is an objective firmly aligned with PaRC’s. In particular, QRA and PaRC share a focus on knowledge-sharing in the Pacific Islands. In preserving some noteworthy materials in PaRC, we aim to support QRA in its outreach.
QRA is affiliated with Thin Green Line, an international charity based in Victoria dedicated to supporting rangers and their families, notably families who have lost rangers in the line of duty: . The summary of Ranger deaths globally in 2023/24 makes grim reading.
The QRA is active in promoting World Ranger Day on 31 July each year. Its media release on the occasion of World Ranger Day 2024 explains the mission.
At the QRA meeting at Tuchekoi, near Gympie, Queensland, 2023. In the middle is Ron Turner, former Cooloola District Ranger and author of a notable memoir published by PaRC.
QRA has issued a public plea for old uniforms.
QRA is affiliated with the Council of Oceania Ranger Associations. Click here for a Summary of the Oceania Ranger Roundtable webinar of October 2023. The Summary includes links to presentations and position papers.