Most items in PaRC are protected by conditional copyright. Copyright protection is automatic upon creation and does not depend upon appearance of the © symbol.
Original material: Copyright in the material on this site is held by the Secretary on behalf of PaRC Inc. All this material is released under Creative Commons Licence BY-NC 4.0 (may be copied and reproduced, for non-commercial purposes, but the author and PaRC must be acknowledged)..
Republished material: PaRC is also a portal into materials for which copyright is held by other parties. Wherever necessary and possible, PaRC Inc. has endeavoured to obtain permission to reproduce these materials here. For many items further reproduction (re-publishing) is conditional and it is the user’s responsibility to comply. Usually conditions are printed in the front matter of a report. Please contact the author and/or publisher for enquiries about the copyright status of a particular created work.
Photographs: Unless otherwise labelled, photos may be downloaded under CC Licence BY-NC 4.0. The creator’s name usually appears in the file name if not the caption.
Reproduction quality
The files for many of the scanned documents are very large, some more than 100 MB. To minimise download times and save space on the servers, some of these files have been compressed, indicated by a suffix to the file name. Image quality has suffered slightly. Any researcher for whom the reproduction quality is important should contact the Secretary to request a copy of the original scanned file.
Trove/Web Archive
The National Library of Australia stores original content on significant “websites of record”. Click here for an example.The NLA has advised that they will “harvest” the two websites once a year, this site in March or April, to preserve their content in perpetuity.