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Category: Course materials

BDP Environment Design Guide by RAIA- Now Acumen by AIA

For many years the Royal Australian Institute of Architects published guides to good practice in a series titled BDP Environment Design Guide. BDP abbreviates Building and Design Professionals.

PaRC has obtained a list of titles as at August 2005 – there are 235 of them.


At 2020, the series is alive and well. The website of the now Australian Institute of Architects tells the story: Celebrating 25 years in 2020: BEDP to EDG to Environment. (PDF snapshot available from PaRC).


With the permission of AIA, PaRC has also re-published one, a Guide for planting public spaces.

Review Status: Pending

Diploma of Management (Recreation Planning) (VET, 2008-2016)

Lecturer and consultant Dr Ken Marriott of Victoria has generously allowed PaRC to reproduce materials from his VET courses. (It is titled “Package 2”. Package 1 is indexed under “Project briefs” as it serves a guide to local governments on managing facilities).

Introduction to a VET course for a Diploma in Management (Recreation Planning) run from 2008-2016. Read this first. It explains the status of the materials.

Core 1 BISBINM501A Manage Information Systems

Core 2 BSBFIM501A Manage Budgets

Core 3 BSBMGT515A Manage Operational Plans

Core 4 BSBPMG510A Manage Projects

Core 5 BSBWOR502A Ensure Team Effectiveness

Elective 1 BSBMGT616A Develop and Implement Strategic Plans

Elective 2 BSBMKG408 Conduct Market Research

Elective 3 BSBMGT502A Manage People Performance

Review Status:

Ranger careers

This short summary of the attributes sought of park rangers is orientated towards those considering a career as a ranger. It was authored by park ranger Patrick Fricker of Yarra Valley Metropolitan Park, Melbourne, at the time Manager Environment and Tourism, Yarra Area Parks. The two pages of handwritten notes are in his writing but the editorial annotations are in the handwriting of Trevor Arthur.


Appended are several pages with a syllabus for an Advanced Certificate and Associate Diploma, but their provenance and relationship to Mr Fricker’s notes are unclear.


Review Status:

Managing the Planning & Provision of Leisure and Recreation Opportunities in Australia

The attached file is the 2016 6th edition of Dr Ken Marriott’s leisure planning book, Managing the Planning and Provision of Leisure and Recreation Opportunities in Australia.  This was initially published by the Tasmanian Government in 2010. Dr Marriott advises: “I have full permission to use it and amend it from the Tasmanian Government.  It was commissioned by Sport and Recreation Tas as the course text for a VET diploma course I developed for them, Diploma of Management (Recreation Planning). Over 3-4 full courses between 2008-16, it was attended by around 50 mature-age students from Tasmania, Victoria, NSW and SA between 2008 and 2016.  As you will see from the title page, the book also became the course text for a 2nd/3rd year recreation planning and policy course that I ran for many years as a sessional lecturer at Victoria University.

“The 2016 book forms the basis of my 2021 book with Tower and McDonald (Routledge UK). For Australian users, it is a far better book than the 2021 UK  publication as it has a solely Australian focus and much of the very specific case material had to be deleted for the UK publication.”


Supporting materials for recreation studies at undergraduate years 2 and 3 levels.

Review Status: Pending