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Category: Natural resources and environment

conservation; fire; water resources; pests; vegetation; climate change; biodiversity

Mammals of the Victorian Mallee and Biological Survey of the Big Desert

Published by the National Museum of Victoria, two roneoed reports:


Report on the Mammals of the Victorian Mallee from the Collections and Archives of the National Museum of Victoria – by A.M. Gilmore and J.M. McVicar for  the  Land Conservation Council of Victoria. March 1973. 27 pp. plus front material and maps.


Report on the Victorian Mallee – Big Desert Survey,  1973 – by AM Gilmore and JM McCart McVicar for the Land Conservation Council of Victoria. September 1973. 22 pp. incl. cover and maps.

Combined report. 5.2 MB, searchable.

The advent of the Land Conservation Council in 1970 with its focus on objective, scientific consideration of the most appropriate land use of each parcel of public land, necessitated extensive collection of data across the state.


Review Status: Pending

Landscape Heritage and Scenic Amenity, incl. bibliographies

This “Discussion Paper“, probably authored by Robert Preston, of uncertain date unpicks the concepts of landscape and scenery along with some other relevant attributes. It includes a substantial list of government documents and also an annotated bibliography.

The paper was prepared for Steve MacDonald, Manager of the Queensland Regional Landscape Strategy office from 1995-2012 and is likely to have been written in 2008 or 2009.


Review Status: Pending

Mt Elgin Management Plan, Wimmera Region


Mt. Elgin Swamp is a significant remnant, nearly 300 hectares in area, near the township of Nhill in north-west Victoria. The property was acquired by the Trust for Nature in 1998 to protect the intact vegetation, which is habitat to a range of waterfowl, including the rare Freckled Duck.

Two copies – 1999 and 2015 – have been provided to PaRC by eminent local naturalist Clive Crouch OAM, recipient of the Australian Conservation Foundation’s Peter Rawlinson Award in 2006 “for grassroots environmentalism, promoting biodiversity in the Wimmera region of Victoria for more than 30 years.” He was awarded the Medal in the Order of Australia in 2009 “For service to conservation and the environment, particularly as a supporter of projects to protect the fauna and native vegetation of the Wimmera and Mallee regions of western Victoria.” Clive served as Secretary of the reserve’s Committee of Management for 25 years.
Download the 1999 report.
Download the 2015 report.

Review Status: Pending

Recreation Management Workshop – Brisbane Forest Park, October 1985

This compilation (29 MB) has far more useful information about the resources of the Brisbane Forest Park region than the title suggests. There are valuable accounts of the region’s natural resources, for just one example.

Management Perpectives
Regional and Community Perspectives – Dr. David Pitts 1.
Management of Brisbane Forest Park – Mr. Bill Carter 5
Management of National Parks – Mr. Mark Gough 11
Water Catchment Management – Mr. Bill Huxley 17
Mt. Coot-tha Management – Mr. Ross McKinnon 45
Forestry Management – Mr. Geoff Swartz 51

Park Resources
Research and Management of Geo-resources – Mr. Errol Stock 61
Soils – Mr. David Aust 73
Vegetation – Mr. Peter Young 83
Aquatic Resources – Mr. Hamar Midgley 99
Animal Resources – Dr. Kristene Plowman 105
Archaeological Record & Implication Introduction – Mr. Bob McQueen 109
Historical Record – Mr. Peter Marquis-Kyle 115
Counting the Users – Dr. Lex Brown and Ms. Leanne Wilks 121
Educational Uses by Brisbane C.A.E. – Mr. B. Cooke & Mr. I. Marsh 129

The Data Base
Rainforests – Mr. Bill McDonald 1.53
Open Forests and Woodlands – Professor Trevor Clifford 165
Climbing Plants – Ms. Elwyn Hegarty 169
Lichens – Dr. Rob Roberts 181
Themeda/Imperata Grass under story of Open Eucalypt Forest – Mr. Hendrik Dierich 187
Ecology of. Ferns and Fern Allies – Mr. Peter Bostok 189
Life Expectancy of Leaves of Wilkea macrophylla at Mt. Glorious – Dr. Rob Rogers 195
Vertebrate Fauna – Dr. Kristine Plowman 199
Management Studies – Mr. Peter Ogilvie 223
Utilisation of Lantana camara by Birds and Small Mammals – Dr. Peter Driscoll and Mr. Greg Quinlan 239
Habitat Utilisation by Rattus fuscipes and R. tunneyi – Mr. Neil White 247
A Suggested Timing for Controlled Forest Burning Based on Observations of Fledgling Vulnerability in Moggill State Forest – Mr. Peter’ Slater

Management Influences
Community Influences – Mr. Ken Stevenson 263
User Impacts in Rose Gum Flats. Picnic Ground – Mr. David Bluhdorn 269

Futures for and around Brisbane Forest Park
Recreation Planning For The Future – Ms. Dale Anderson 279
A possible future for Brisbane Forest Park – Mr. Bill Carter 285
A Viewpoint from the Department of Forestry – Mr. Peter Cranny 289
National Parks – Mr. Noel Dawson 295

Workshop Reports
Floristic Data Base Implications, Deficiencies and Recommendations – Dr. Bob Johnson.. ………….. 303
The Animal Data Base Dr. Greg Gordon & Dr. K. Plowman 307
Notes on Seminar-Management Influences – Dr. John Waite. …… 315
Notes on Seminar-Management Influences – Dr. David Lamb…… 319

Review Status: Pending

Freshwater Fish of the Yarra River

This mimeographed description of the native and introduced Freshwater Fish of the Yarra River has a pencil mark August 1984 on the front cover and is presumably the date it was compiled by the Department of Conservation Forests and Lands on Behalf of the MMBW.

PaRC is not a conservation archive, but this report qualifies for inclusion as fishing is a major recreational activity in greater Melbourne.



Review Status: Pending

Environmental weeds

Environmental weeds are plants that are considered a threat to natural bushland such as in parks and reserves. This workshop was held in 1989 by collaboration between the Weed Science Society of Victoria Inc. and the Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands at Studley Park, Kew. The proceedings presents abstracts of presentations by such luminaries of the era as Dr Malcolm Calder, Ms Vivien Freshwater and Darcy Duggan.



Review Status: Pending

Fire Ecology Seminar – Victoria 1974

This 76-page proceedings on the theme Fire in the Forest Environment.features many of the senior conservation and forest management luminaries of the era. Organised by the Forests Commission, Victoria,
in conjunction with Monash University Environmental Studies, it was held at Monash University, Clayton on
23 March, 1974. The indefatigable hand of Dr E.H.M. (Tim) Ealey of Monash Zoology is visible.

Incidentally Dr Ealey invited many senior public servants to present seminars for his environmental management courses. It was a seminar by Soil Conservation Authority expert Frank Gibbons in 1969 that convinced the Monash University Biological Society to take up cudgels within the Little Desert campaign in 1969.



Review Status: Pending