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Support the PaRC Project


Support the PaRC project by submitting material

The team of practitioners and scholars who are building the PaRC project will welcome contributions of documents, images, ideas, commentary, field observations, historical papers and original narratives. Please consult the Guidelines for Content Creators and the June 2023 flyer for advice as to scope and style.

Draft Narratives or ideas for Narratives can be submitted via the form below.

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If you wish to attach a file to your comment please note that the maximum file size is 10Mb and permitted file types are .pdf .doc .docx .xls .xlsx .jpg .jpeg .png .mp3

Support the PaRC project financially


PaRC was established using philanthropic funds – the AIPR Trust Fund – Education. Tax deductibility for the Trust Fund expired in 2000. The Fund’s bank account was exhausted by the end of 2023.

Here and now

While the basic architecture of the library has been completed, there is a large potential for enlarging the collections using sponsored funds. For example, a sponsor may choose to pay for the cost of digitising historical documents in their sphere of interest that have fallen out of public view. Local governments may support establishment of a page for their parks and recreation activities and archives. Families may wish to fund the digitisation of the professional papers of eminent park personnel of mature age or who have passed away, or to endow a lecture or scholarship.

PaRC Inc. has established a fund to continue this project. Donations may be lodged with Westpac account BSB 034119 Account 349002. Donations are not tax deductible. However, Charles Sturt University (which administered the project until 30 June 2022 on behalf of the Trustees) has a separate fund that enjoys tax deductibility.

Any sponsor or philanthropist who would like to contribute to this inspiring project is invited to make contact via secretary AT