From its first establishment, PaRC has focused on parks, open space and ‘passive’ recreation, without aspiring to cover active sports, because of the existence of the Australian Clearinghouse for Sport. Over the years, the Clearinghouse has increased the range of valuable knowledge materials that are freely available on its Internet page and PaRC’s current policy is not to duplicate those materials. (By way of exception, we have been re-publishing some legacy documents on sport that have otherwise disappeared from public view).

The December 2024 Newsletter of Parks and Leisure Australia has drawn to attention a series of definitions of sport and related concepts published on the website of the Clearinghouse and has prompted us to make another exception, given their likely value to the entire sports and recreation sector. We have extracted those definitions and place them here in durable PDF format as a benchmark document What is Sport?, one that may reach a different audience and does not depend on an external hotlink.

This set of definitions nicely complements several other documents in PaRC:

Dictionary of key terms

Definitions for natural resource planning and management

Definitions of outdoor recreation

Definitions of open space

Definitions of scenic amenity.